How I Lost 10lbs in 10 Days

Monday, July 1, 2013
                 I have been battling my weight for more than a decade, and have finally found the long sought for answer that I dreamed of finding. I found the answer on how to lose 10lbs in 10 days. The fact is it was not that difficult and it did not cost me a fortune. It did not take very much effort at all. I just changed a few of my bad habits and set out on a mission to lose weight and I succeeded.
I was like you, unhappy with my appearance, and I really wanted my clothes to fit and look good on me. I sought to be attractive again and to rebuild the self-esteem that had been plummeting for quite sometime. Every time I looked in the mirror I wanted to cry the weight was everywhere and my face looked bloated and unhealthy as well.
This aspect made me consider what I wanted to put into my body, and well truth is it was not viable foods that were contributing to this factor. The junk, the sweets, eating out, preservatives, and more were all what had gotten me to the point where my entire body was just not healthy in general. If you really consider losing 10lbs in 10 days it cannot be that difficult. I mean we all know there is no magic pill that works, sure we can control our hunger with pills, but people always want what they cannot have.
This is where my idea came to life. I had to possess a distinguishing trait that causes most people to fail at weight-loss- will power. People surrender to their whims and indulge in gluttony in their life constantly. Perhaps if we step away, and make a few adjustments to these habitual rituals in eating and our everyday lives the change itself will occur. It did! I changed a few things and ate more than I ever thought I could. I was not hungry, but I had to trade my thought patterns and mind tricked myself to not wanting the sweets, pastas, and yummy foods that are so tempting. Also one has to get passed the peer pressure which is one of the leading causes of diet and weight-loss failures.
Have not you heard your peers say well one taste will not hurt or you can eat lunch here with us they have a diet menu. Truth is one taste leads to others and most people see the tempting menus and disregard the diet menu at all costs. Once you are there it is all over. However, you can simply lose 10lbs in 10 days by reading, researching, and teaching yourself good habits and that every choice that you make effects the fact that you pass or fail at your goal of losing 10lbs in 10 days.
Please visit the lose ten pounds site for resources and facts on how you too can achieve the once thought of unobtainable.

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